Source code for swaggerconformance._basictests

Main high-level entrypoints for validating swagger conformance.
import logging
import traceback

import hypothesis

from .client import Client
from .strategies import StrategyFactory

__all__ = ["api_conformance_test", "operation_conformance_test"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def api_conformance_test(schema_path, num_tests_per_op=20, cont_on_err=True): """Basic test of the conformance of the API defined by the given schema. :param schema_path: The path to / URL of the schema to validate. :type schema_path: str :param num_tests_per_op: How many tests to run of each API operation. :type num_tests_per_op: int :param cont_on_err: Validate all operations, or drop out on first error. :type cont_on_err: bool """ client = Client(schema_path) log.debug("Expanded endpoints as: %r", client.api) hit_errors = [] for operation in client.api.operations(): try: operation_conformance_test(client, operation, num_tests_per_op) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception("Validation failed of operation: %r", operation) hit_errors.append(traceback.format_exc()) if not cont_on_err: raise if len(hit_errors) > 0: raise Exception("{} operation(s) failed conformance tests - check " "output in logging and tracebacks below for " "details\n{}".format(len(hit_errors), '\n'.join(hit_errors)))
[docs]def operation_conformance_test(client, operation, num_tests=20): """Test the conformance of the given operation using the provided client. :param client: The client to use to access the API. :type client: client.Client :param operation: The operation to test. :type operation: schema.Operation :param num_tests: How many tests to run of each API operation. :type num_tests: int """"Testing operation: %r", operation) strategy = operation.parameters_strategy(StrategyFactory()) @hypothesis.settings( max_examples=num_tests, suppress_health_check=[hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow]) @hypothesis.given(strategy) def single_operation_test(client, operation, params): """Test an operation fully. :param client: The client to use to access the API. :type client: client.Client :param operation: The operation to test. :type operation: schema.Operation :param params: The dictionary of parameters to use on the operation. :type params: dict """"Testing with params: %r", params) result = client.request(operation, params) assert result.status in operation.response_codes, \ "Response code {} not in {}".format(result.status, operation.response_codes) assert any(entry.strip().startswith('application/json') \ for entry in result.headers['Content-Type']), \ "'application/json' not in 'Content-Type' header: {}" \ .format(result.headers['Content-Type']) # Run the test, which takes one less parameter than expected due to the # hypothesis decorator providing the last one. single_operation_test(client, operation) # pylint: disable=E1120