Source code for swaggerconformance.strategies.primitivestrategies

Strategies for values of various data types.
# The classes in this file ahve a single public method by design.
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
import logging
import math

import hypothesis.strategies as hy_st
from . import basestrategies as base_st

__all__ = ["PrimitiveStrategy", "BooleanStrategy", "NumericStrategy",
           "IntegerStrategy", "FloatStrategy", "StringStrategy",
           "URLPathStringStrategy", "HTTPHeaderStringStrategy",
           "XFieldsHeaderStringStrategy", "DateStrategy", "DateTimeStrategy",
           "UUIDStrategy", "FileStrategy", "ArrayStrategy", "ObjectStrategy"]

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PrimitiveStrategy: """Strategy for a single value of any specified type. :param swagger_definition: The Swagger spec for this parameter. :type swagger_definition: schema.Primitive :param factory: The factory used to generate child `PrimitiveStrategy` s. :type factory: strategies.StrategyFactory """ def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): self._swagger_definition = swagger_definition self._factory = factory
[docs] def strategy(self): """Return a hypothesis strategy defining this value.""" raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
[docs]class BooleanStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a Boolean value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): return hy_st.booleans()
[docs]class NumericStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Abstract template for a numeric value.""" def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): super().__init__(swagger_definition, factory) assert not (swagger_definition.exclusiveMaximum and (swagger_definition.maximum is None)), \ "Can't have exclusive max set and no max" assert not (swagger_definition.exclusiveMinimum and (swagger_definition.minimum is None)), \ "Can't have exclusive min set and no min" self._maximum = swagger_definition.maximum self._exclusive_maximum = swagger_definition.exclusiveMaximum self._minimum = swagger_definition.minimum self._exclusive_minimum = swagger_definition.exclusiveMinimum self._multiple_of = swagger_definition.multipleOf
[docs] def strategy(self): raise NotImplementedError("Abstract method")
[docs]class IntegerStrategy(NumericStrategy): """Strategy for an integer value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): # Note that hypotheis requires integer bounds, but we may be provided # with float values. inclusive_max = self._maximum if inclusive_max is not None: inclusive_max = (int(self._maximum - 1) if self._exclusive_maximum else int(self._maximum)) if self._multiple_of is not None: inclusive_max = math.floor(inclusive_max / int(self._multiple_of)) inclusive_min = self._minimum if inclusive_min is not None: inclusive_min = (int(self._minimum + 1) if self._exclusive_minimum else int(self._minimum)) if self._multiple_of is not None: inclusive_min = math.ceil(inclusive_min / int(self._multiple_of)) strategy = hy_st.integers(min_value=inclusive_min, max_value=inclusive_max) if self._multiple_of is not None: strategy = x: x * self._multiple_of) return strategy
[docs]class FloatStrategy(NumericStrategy): """Strategy for a floating point value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): if self._multiple_of is not None: maximum = self._maximum if maximum is not None: maximum = math.floor(maximum / self._multiple_of) minimum = self._minimum if minimum is not None: minimum = math.ceil(minimum / self._multiple_of) strategy = hy_st.integers(min_value=minimum, max_value=maximum) strategy = x: x * self._multiple_of) else: strategy = hy_st.floats(min_value=self._minimum, max_value=self._maximum) if self._exclusive_maximum: strategy = strategy.filter(lambda x: x < self._maximum) if self._exclusive_minimum: strategy = strategy.filter(lambda x: x > self._minimum) return strategy
[docs]class StringStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a string value.""" def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory, blacklist_chars=None): super().__init__(swagger_definition, factory) self._max_length = swagger_definition.maxLength self._min_length = swagger_definition.minLength self._enum = swagger_definition.enum self._pattern = swagger_definition.pattern self._blacklist_chars = blacklist_chars
[docs] def strategy(self): if self._enum is not None: return hy_st.sampled_from(self._enum) alphabet = None if self._blacklist_chars: alphabet = hy_st.characters( blacklist_characters=self._blacklist_chars) strategy = hy_st.text(alphabet=alphabet, min_size=self._min_length, max_size=self._max_length) return strategy
class BytesStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a bytes string value. Assume the lengths refer to the number of bytes, rather than the length of some representation of them. """ def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): super().__init__(swagger_definition, factory) self._max_length = swagger_definition.maxLength self._min_length = swagger_definition.minLength self._enum = swagger_definition.enum if self._min_length is None: self._min_length = 1 assert self._min_length >= 1, "Byte parameters must be at least 1 byte" def strategy(self): if self._enum is not None: return hy_st.sampled_from(self._enum) strategy = hy_st.binary(min_size=self._min_length, max_size=self._max_length) return strategy
[docs]class URLPathStringStrategy(StringStrategy): """Strategy for a string value which must be valid in a URL path.""" def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): super().__init__(swagger_definition, factory) if self._min_length is None: self._min_length = 1 assert self._min_length >= 1, "Path parameters must be at least 1 char"
[docs]class HTTPHeaderStringStrategy(StringStrategy): """Strategy for a string value which must be valid in a HTTP header.""" def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): # Header values are strings but cannot contain newlines. super().__init__( swagger_definition, factory, blacklist_chars=['\r', '\n'])
[docs] def strategy(self): # Header values shouldn't have surrounding whitespace. return super().strategy().map(str.strip)
[docs]class XFieldsHeaderStringStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a string value which must be valid in the X-Fields header. The ``X-Fields`` parameter lets you specify a mask of fields to be returned by the application. The format is a comma-separated list of fields to return, enclosed by curly-brackets, which can be nested. So for example: ``{name, age, pets{name}}``. There is also a special value of ``*`` meaning 'all remaining fields', and it can be provided alone as ``*`` or inserted into a mask of the above format instead of a field name. We could generate random values for this header that match the allowed syntax, but: - as far as I can see, this field is a `Flast-RESTPlus` special, - this is implemented by the Swagger API framework, so not exciting to exercise, - there's a risk of just generating values which are rejected continually and so reducing the effectiveness of the testing of other fields. Therefore, we just return either ``''`` or ``*`` for this parameter as they are safe values that shouldn't interfere with other testing. """
[docs] def strategy(self): return hy_st.sampled_from(("*", ''))
[docs]class DateStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a Date value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): return base_st.dates()
[docs]class DateTimeStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a Date-Time value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): return base_st.datetimes()
[docs]class UUIDStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a UUID value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): return hy_st.uuids()
[docs]class FileStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a File value."""
[docs] def strategy(self): return base_st.files()
[docs]class ArrayStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for an array collection.""" def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): super().__init__(swagger_definition, factory) self._elements = self._factory.produce(self._swagger_definition.items) self._max_items = swagger_definition.maxItems self._min_items = swagger_definition.minItems self._unique_items = swagger_definition.uniqueItems
[docs] def strategy(self): """Return a hypothesis strategy defining this collection.""" return hy_st.lists(elements=self._elements.strategy(), min_size=self._min_items, max_size=self._max_items, unique=self._unique_items)
[docs]class ObjectStrategy(PrimitiveStrategy): """Strategy for a JSON object collection. `MAX_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES` is a limit on the number of additional properties to add to objects. Setting this too high might cause data generation to time out. """ MAX_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES = 5 def __init__(self, swagger_definition, factory): super().__init__(swagger_definition, factory) self._properties = {prop_name: self._factory.produce(prop_defn) for prop_name, prop_defn in} additional = (swagger_definition.additionalProperties or len( == 0) log.debug("Allow additional properties? %r", additional) self._max_properties = swagger_definition.maxProperties self._min_properties = swagger_definition.minProperties self._additional_properties = additional
[docs] def strategy(self): """Return a hypothesis strategy defining this collection, including random additional properties if the object supports them. Will add only up to `MAX_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES` extra values to prevent data generation taking too long and timing out. :param required_properties: The required fields in the generated dict. :type required_properties: dict :param optional_properties: The optional fields in the generated dict. :type optional_properties: dict """ required_properties = { name: field.strategy() for name, field in self._properties.items() if name in self._swagger_definition.required_properties} optional_properties = { name: field.strategy() for name, field in self._properties.items() if name not in self._swagger_definition.required_properties} # The result must contain the specified propereties. result = base_st.merge_optional_dict_strategy(required_properties, optional_properties) # If we allow arbitrary additional properties, create a dict with some # then update it with the fixed ones to ensure they are retained. if self._additional_properties: # Generate enough to stay within the allowed bounds, but don't # generate more than a fixed maximum. min_properties = (0 if self._min_properties is None else self._min_properties) min_properties = max(0, min_properties - len(required_properties)) max_properties = (self.MAX_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES if self._max_properties is None else self._max_properties) max_properties = min(self.MAX_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES, max_properties - len(required_properties)) max_properties = max(max_properties, min_properties) log.debug("Determined max, min extra properties: %r, %r", max_properties, min_properties) forbidden_prop_names = set(required_properties.keys() & optional_properties.keys()) extra = hy_st.dictionaries( hy_st.text().filter(lambda x: x not in forbidden_prop_names), base_st.json(), min_size=min_properties, max_size=max_properties) if self._max_properties is not None: result = base_st.merge_dicts_max_size_strategy( result, extra, self._max_properties) else: result = base_st.merge_dicts_strategy(result, extra) return result